Breaking barriers.
Building Legacies.

Own It grows generational wealth in Black communities through homeownership.


Own It brings together Madison-area real estate, banking, and financial experts to help build generational wealth in Black and brown communities through homeownership. This community-focused initiative offers two main benefits: a financial education program and $19,000 in down payment grants—no payback required. The program is open to eligible participants connected through our community partnerships.

Know the problems.Find the solutions.

The racial wealth gap and the effects of systemic racism in real estate and financial systems is stark. Black and brown families face more barriers when it comes to homeownership and building wealth. We're dedicated to exposing and eliminating these obstacles.

Take a lookat the numbers.


Program Ambassadors




Course Participants


Homes Closed On

These metrics reflect the hard work of countless real estate professionals and community members working together to create change. And this is just the beginning.

The realities of
real estate.

Changing the real estate industry starts with its leaders like you. We welcome all industry professionals, agents, brokers, and more to help us redefine the future.

A path to

We offer financial literacy and homeownership courses for anyone who dreams of owning a home one day. There's a path, a plan, and plenty of ways for you to achieve your goals.